In the far north of the Okavango Delta lies the scenic Vumbura Concession, a sprawling expanse of open floodplains, tall mangosteen forests and sparkling lagoons that combine to support an abundance of wildlife.
Bordering the Moremi Game Reserve, the community-run Vumbura Concession encompasses some 30,000 hectares of picturesque wilderness with a diverse mix of habitats. Its seasonal floodplains, glassy lagoons, thick mopane bushveld and acacia woodland provide the backdrop for some truly rewarding game viewing.
Great herds of zebra, giraffe, buffalo and wildebeest wander the open plains, while elephants can be seen ambling down to the pools to drink – keeping their distance from the crocodiles that laze on the banks. Lions are in abundance, while spotted hyena, wild dogs, African wildcats and leopards can also be found. If you’re lucky, you might even spot a cheetah out hunting on the dry savannah. The birding opportunities are equally impressive. Keep your eyes peeled for a number of beautiful species including the rosy-throated longclaw, black coucal and rare slaty egret.
Vumbura is home to a handful of excellent camps staffed with local people from nearby villages. Alongside knowledgeable guides you’ll be able to enjoy a mix of land and water-based activities including night drives, mokoro excursions and thrilling walking safaris.
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