tiger spotting india

Tiger spotting in India

Martin Thompson, a Director of The Ultimate Travel Company, visited Ranthambore and Corbett National Parks in India earlier this year and was delighted with what he saw…

I had heard so many times, “we spent three days in such and such reserve and never saw a tiger!”

We were a party of 12, none of which had ever seen a tiger and had three days in Ranthambore and three days in Corbett to do it.

I couldn’t believe it, but by the time we left Ranthambore everyone had seen a tiger and by the time we left Corbett Tiger Reserve, we had seen 13 different tigers on the expedition. The best sighting was of a female with three rather naughty adolescent cubs.

We also saw elephant, leopard, sloth bear, crocodile, otter, mongoose, jackal, four types of deer and 196 species of birds!

Apart from the wildlife sightings, we were so lucky to have the most incredible team of guides, drivers, and support staff led by Ritish Suri, who has to be one of the best and most knowledgeable guides in India – the key to our success!

This expedition totally achieved its objectives, but is not for those who want wall-to-wall luxury, don’t like cold and early mornings and don’t like Indian trains – a pioneering spirit, which we had in bucket loads, is required!